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separating plane中文是什么意思

用"separating plane"造句"separating plane"怎么读"separating plane" in a sentence


  • 分离平面


  • In a certain sense we all listen to music on three separate planes .
  • See , uh , we - we both got here on separate planes
  • See , uh , we - - we both got here on separate planes
    你瞧,我们. . .我们乘不同的飞机来到这儿
  • See , uh , we - - we both got here on separate planes
    你瞧,我们. . .我们乘不同的飞机来到这儿
  • I traveled 22 hours on three separate planes from a state called connecticut before i arrived in china
  • The swing of opposites is the result of the fracturing of the human experience into 36 separate planes of reality
  • There are 36 separate planes of reality in which each human dances upon in the current human distortion , and each plane has a totally separate and different life dance occurring upon it
  • The separating plane with maximal margin is the optimal separating hyperplane which has good generation ability . to find a optimal separating hyperplane leads to a quadratic programming problem which is a special optimization problem . after optimization all vectors are evaluated a weight . the vector whose weight is not zero is called support vector
用"separating plane"造句  
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